Status: Ready for adoption
Arrived: June 2024
Species and Minimum Ethical Enclosure Requirement: Guinea pig: minimum enclosure size for 2 Guinea Pigs is 7.55 square feet (length x width of your enclosure) and 10.50 square feet for 3 Guinea Pigs. A “C&C” cage or a Midwest GP Habitat are the recommended style of enclosure.
Sex: Male
Age: Adult, age unknown
Location: Toronto
What is their background story?:
These boys came from a shelter in Quebec. Nothing more is known about them.
What is their favourite activity?:
Eating is number one, closely followed by snoozing and being really adorable.
What is their favourite food?:
Veggies of any type - they get a salad every day with a different combination. Also parsley, cilantro, dill, and the odd blueberry or piece of apple.
What is their best trait?:
They are sweet, friendly boys. Gus (half white, half black) is very outgoing. Gilligan is more cautious, but he is becoming less shy. Both are quite content to be held, once they get over the horror of being picked up.
Final thoughts:
They are not vocal pigs, They don’t wheek for food but they mumble to each other occasionally.
Adoption Fees and Apply to Adopt:
Status: Ready for Adoption
Arrived: July 2024
Species and Minimum Ethical Enclosure Requirement: Guinea pig: minimum enclosure size for 2 Guinea Pigs is 7.55 square feet (length x width of your enclosure) and 10.50 square feet for 3 Guinea Pigs. A “C&C” cage or a Midwest GP Habitat are the recommended style of enclosure.
Sex: Neutered male
Age: 1 year or less
Location: Hamilton
What is their background story?:
Jimmy came into foster care absolutely terrified of everything and everything. He hid constantly. He didn’t seem to have ever been socialized with other pigs and he didn’t know what to do with himself.
What is their favourite activity?:
Now he’s neutered and being fostered with a group of girls, his favourite thing to do is rumble gently at them and try to get them to pay him attention! He’s still nervous, but he’s getting braver.
What is their favourite food?:
Jimmy is warming up to different foods! He likes to dart in, grab a veggie, then run off and hide while he eats.
What is their best trait?:
Jimmy is truly unique! He’s a ridgeback, so he has spiky fur along his back, like a little stegosaurus.
Final thoughts:
Jimmy will be so happy in a home with a herd of his own - at least one girl to keep him company and help him come out of his shell
Adoption Fees and Apply to Adopt:
Status: Ready for adoption
Arrived: February 2024
Species and Minimum Ethical Enclosure Requirement: Guinea pig: minimum enclosure size for 2 Guinea Pigs is 7.55 square feet (length x width of your enclosure) and 10.50 square feet for 3 Guinea Pigs. A “C&C” cage or a Midwest GP Habitat are the recommended style of enclosure.
Sex: Females
Age: 2
Location: Oshawa
What is their background story?:
Bonjour. Our names are Cherise and Cocoa. We are so grateful to our friends at All Creatures Rescue for bringing us all the way from Quebec. We were told we were on a list at the high kill shelter before our foster mom joined in to let us land safely. We enjoy the finer things in life like perfectly aged carrots and soft fleece with pigloos to rest in. We prefer to dance in the morning for our breakfast croissants (vitamin c cookies) and let everyone know brunch is truly the best time of day. Although independent ladies, we will enjoy a scratch or cuddle while watching international movies (we are bilingual after all). We hope one day- you might want to invite us over but until then Au Revoir.
What is their favourite activity?:
We enjoy a good cardboard tube and lounging in the softest cuddle cups available.
What is their favourite food?:
Exquisite tastes of dandelion and carrots with a side of strawberry please. (but to be honest we eat everything)
What is their best trait?:
Our vibrant coats make us the best hair models.
Adoption Fees and Apply to Adopt: